About Fifth Element Associates

Fifth Element Associates is an experienced and results-driven consulting team whose sole focus is to help you increase your revenue. We don’t achieve these results by cutting costs or improving efficiency. Rather, Fifth Element works the other side of the equation, growing your organization by improving and increasing your customer relationships, solutions, and value.

Our approach is comprehensive and collaborative. We use research and assessment methods to understand and evaluate your current programs, strategies, gaps, and opportunities. Then, we create and implement custom sales and marketing programs, improve your value proposition, and strengthen customer relationships.

Unlike other consulting firms, we are with you every step of the way—not simply giving advice and moving on, but working with you to implement new programs and initiatives and then measuring and refining their effectiveness. Our team provides:

  • Qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Marketing strategy and tactical plans.
  • Sales strategy, tactics, and coaching.
  • Leadership and management development.
  • Training, workshops, group facilitation.
  • Thought-leadership on technology in several vertical markets.
  • Guidance and support to take your company to the next level.

We are Fifth Element and we might be just what you need.